Our Security Partners
We'll discuss your security program requirements and suggest the best technology available to help you achieve your goals.
Contact a J. O'Brien sales representative for additional information (877) 379-8844.
HID Advantage Channel Partner
J. O'Brien Company, Inc. partners with HID to provide genuine Fargo brand products and services... which means we can pass on special promotions and savings directly to you. We are proud to be an HID Channel Partner, helping consumers understand the fundamentals of physical access control and the security solutions available.
J. O'Brien Company is a HID Fargo Authorized Repair Provider(ARP) for all Fargo card printers.
Entrust Enterprise Solutions Partner
Entrust offers technologies for securing identities and safeguarding transactions in physical and digital environments. Entrust’s innovative portfolio includes solutions for Instant Issuance empowering you to manage your business the way you want.
Instant issuance helps increase activation rates and card usage, while improving customer satisfaction while reducing costs associated with card pre-printing, inventory management and mailings.
Zebra Authorized Service Provider (ZASP)
A Zebra Authorized Service Provider (ZASP) has demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to provide quality service and support for all Zebra products.
All ZASPs have completed extensive Zebra training and are required to recertify on an annual basis. Zebra endorses and certifies all ZASPs to provide on-site repair, as well as installation, maintenance contracts, depot repair and technical support.